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What happens when I come for my birth control pill refill?

When you start your last pack of pills, schedule an appointment with the nurse. Once a year, you will see the doctor to talk about your birth control.

When you come in, you will get your blood pressure checked by the nurse to make sure
your blood pressure is not high, which can be a problem if you are taking birth control pills. If your blood pressure is okay, then we will give you your refill. If your blood pressure is high,
then we will have you meet with the doctor or have you come back when a doctor is available before we give more pills.  

If you are late receiving your refills, we will do a pregnancy test. If your pregnancy test is negative, we can give you the refill of pills.

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When can I take Plan B or “emergency contraception”?

Plan B (the “morning-after pill”) can prevent unintended pregnancy. It can be taken up to five days after unprotected sex.

You can get this for free at The SPOT without an appointment between 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Tuesday - Friday.

We highly encourage you to use some form of birth control to prevent having to use a Plan B because it is not a method of birth control. 

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When do I have to come back for my Depo shot and what happens if I am late?

The Depo shot is a form of birth control. You need to get the shot within 11-13 weeks of the last time you got the shot. The nurse should give you a card with the dates to come back. You can also look up your last shot date on this page to find out the two-week refill window: 

Depo-Provera Perpetual Calendar 

If you are outside of the two-week window for getting the shot again, you will have to give a urine sample for a pregnancy test so we make sure you are not pregnant before we give you another Depo shot.  If the test is negative, then we can give you your next shot.   

You can get pregnant between when you are due to get your next shot and when you actually get it so plan ahead! Make sure to come in on time to prevent pregnancy.