Building on years of successful experience working with youth, The SPOT opened a school-based health center (SBHC) in Jennings Senior High & College Prep Academy. in 2015 under the operation of Washington University School of Medicine. The Jennings School-Based Health Center (also known as The SPOT at Jennings or JSPOT) builds upon The SPOT’s effective model of providing integrated multi-disciplinary medical health, behavioral health and social services in coordination with community partner organizations.
School-based health centers
A school-based health center (SBHC) is a healthcare facility located inside a school or on school grounds. They are staffed by a team of highly trained pediatric/adolescent healthcare providers who are dedicated to the overall wellness of youth. The primary purpose of a SBHC is to keep students healthy, in school, and ready to learn.
The national School-Based Health Alliance estimates that there are currently about 2,000 SBHCs in the United States. The SPOT at Jennings is one of the first comprehensive and longest-running SBHC programs in the St. Louis, Missouri area.
JSPOT Services
- Medical care: Because JSPOT’s medical providers are affiliated with St. Louis Children’s Hospital – Adolescent Center, JSPOT is equipped to provide the same level of care provided at any typical pediatrician’s office. In addition, JPSOT is particularly committed to holistically addressing adolescents’ physical, emotional and social wellness needs.
- Mental/behavioral health services: As they navigate the path to young adulthood, JSPOT provides opportunities for adolescents to receive support from trusted and reliable adults, including therapy and referral to psychiatry services. JSPOT’s mental health services adds to adolescents’ existing support systems at home and school.
- Social services (case management): JSPOT supports students and families in meeting their basic academic and life necessities by connecting them to resources within the school and the wider community.
For more information about The SPOT at Jennings or to enroll a student, please contact the program manager at 314-653-8141.